NGO teams on issues 

We monitor a wide range of specific topic areas through our Issue Teams. Composed of civil society organizations focused on specific issues and supported by an expert within the Coalition’s Secretariat, these issue teams work together to exchange information and develop shared advocacy strategies and materials.

Joint strategizing and advocacy

The Coalition monitors a wide range of issues relating to the work of the ICC through issue-specific teams and working groups comprised of civil society representatives. The key purpose of the teams is to help coordinate and focus the input of member NGOs on particular issues, and facilitate the efficient division of labor among NGO experts. Most teams have a designated leader and Coalition Secretariat focal point. Teams operate on principles of collaboration and transparency, and respect the diversity, mandates and independence of members. Teams monitor key developments related to their particular area of focus and recommend strategies to be considered by the Coalition as a whole or by individual members.

Strengthening our work

Coalition teams have strengthened our work by: 

  • Providing a forum for improved information sharing and strategic consultations among members;
  • Updating Coalition members on an ongoing basis;
  • Facilitating a timely and consultative drafting process for papers that reflect major developments and work by the States Parties and the ASP Bureau;
  • Informing discussion on crosscutting issues. 

Membership and participation
Membership open to all Coalition members. Coalition members participate by assigning staff members and affiliated experts to represent the organization. Membership involves active participation

Contact us at to get involved.

Most of the communication takes place via email in English, with the exception of ASP-related meetings. Members are expected to respect confidentiality within the team.

NGO teams on issues 

CICC NGO teams currently work on different issues:

History of the Coalition team structure

The Coalition’s team structure developed informally during the 1995-1998 Ad Hoc and Preparatory Committee meetings leading up to the Rome Conference. The structure was formally implemented during the Rome Conference during which 13 teams monitored various aspects of the Statute, the Final Act and the Preamble. Throughout the Preparatory Commissions and the Assembly of States Parties, the teams worked in conjunction with the Coalition’s Steering Committee; sectoral caucuses and working groups such as the Faith and Ethics Network and the Victims’ Rights Working Group; regional teams on such issues as ratification and implementation; and regional and national networks.

Previous issue teams included:

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