Njonjo Mue - Kenya
''It is incumbent upon civil society actors such as ICJ Kenya to work with citizens to build demand for accountability and justice."
Human rights lawyer and transitional justice expert - International Commission of Jurists
In their own words
"Recent events around the world have reaffirmed that we now live in a world where leaders increasingly act with impunity and often claim implausible deniability. It is therefore incumbent upon civil society actors such as ICJ Kenya to work with citizens to build demand for accountability and justice for human rights violations including those that are so grave and shocking to humanity."
Organization: International Commission of Jurists (ICJ)
Location: Nairobi, Kenya
Mission: To protect human rights and promote the rule of law and democracy in Kenya and across Africa through the application of legal expertise and international best practices.
Vision: A premier organisation promoting a just, free and equitable society.