Urantsooj Gombosuren - Thailand 

"The only rule that should really matter for human rights activists is the need to become the voice of the most vulnerable."

Chairperson of Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development 


Organization: Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA)

Location: Bangkok, Thailand

Vision:  The vision of the Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA) is to build peaceful, just, gender-equal, equitable and sustainable societies in Asia where all human rights of all individuals, groups, and peoples without discrimination of any grounds, are fully realised in accordance with international human rights standards and norms.

Mission: Guided by its vision, FORUM-ASIAs mission is to strengthen the human rights movement in Asia through capacity building of human rights defenders (HRDs) and civil society organisations (CSOs), coalition building with like-minded organisations, solidarity actions and evidence-based advocacy at various levels. FORUM-ASIA aims to achieve this mission by creating an enabling environment for capacity building of human rights defenders, and collaboration and cooperation among the human rights organisations and institutions in Asia and across the globe.