
Useful resources for civil society, government officials, legal practitioners, academics, students and everyone else in-between.

Where to study international justice


Action pack - Campaign for Global Justice

Tools you can use to fight against impunity wherever you are, whether it is on the street, in politics or from your home.

Coalition member websites

Check out our partner organisations for more on the specific work being done towards delivering justice to victims of mass atrocities. 

Why states should join the ICC

For state actors or activists in different countries, find out why states should join the Rome Statute system.

Websites of interest

Organizations covering topics related to the ICC, the Rome Statute, transparency, gender issues and related topics. 

Key books on international criminal justice

A compilation of key texts in the field that covers politics, history and the law itself.

Understanding the ICC

A collection of documents that explain why and how the court functions.

Public information tools

Use these links and documents to discover more about international justice around the world.

