#JusticiaGlobal Semanal: Un ataque aéreo de la OTAN mata a 30 civiles en Afganistán


Investigaciones de la CPI

Costa de Marfil: Constitutional referendum passes amid questions, opponents cry foul. Domestic crimes against humanity trial of ICC suspect Simone Gbagbo adjourned again after witness controversy

Darfur, Sudán: United States extends additional economic sanctions on Sudan in relation to Darfur conflict

República Centroafricana I:  ICC prosecutor requests judges to give Bemba longer prison sentence

República Centroafricana II: Report that at least 37 civilians killed by Seleka rebels on 12 October as Human Rights Watch calls for enhanced protection by UN peacekeepers 


Exámenes Preliminares de la CPI

Afganistán: Reports of at least 30 civilians killed by NATO airstrike in Kunduz last week, months after US military investigation concludes October 2015 Kunduz hospital bombardement does not amount to a war crime.

Irak/RU: Kurdish authorities bulldoze homes and banish hundreds of Arabs from Kiruk


Campaña por la Justicia Global

UN chief and UNESCO official welcome International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists

Coalition launches United by Common Bonds campaign to highlight global nature of ICC mandate and mission, 1990s campaign to bring about ICC establishment, and continuing global desire to see ICC succeed.Visit our new website to read the story of International Justicethe ICC, and the Coalition as well as profiles of civil society voices and testimonials from our supporters.


¿Qué más está pasando?

Informes independientes demuestran que la misión de la ONU en Sudáfrica falló cuando pretendía proteger a los civiles durante la ola de violencia de julio

Rusia expulsada del Consejo de Derechos Humanos de la ONU

Bosnia detiene a antiguos soldados acusados de crímenes de guerra

Sudáfrica presenta el proyecto de ley para abandonar la CPI ante su Parlamento