

United by Common Bonds

The United by Common Bonds campaign video seeks to tell the real story of international justice to counter the profound mischaracterization of the ICC and its mission to bring both justice and peace to the world. That story is of a global movement of civil society organizations and activists, working with small and middle sized ‘like-minded’ states, standing up to the rampant abuse of power and for the rights of victims around the world.

Learn more about the fight for global justice here

Ukraine : Let’s help victims of war to restore justice

In three years, the war in Ukraine has resulted in close to 10,000 deaths and more than 23, 000 wounded. Thousands of civilians are being taken and jailed, tortured and put under pressure to silence them. Another number remains in the shadows: victims of sexual violence. To fight against impunity, Zero Impunity argues that we have to change Ukrainian laws by putting them in compliance with the international human rights standards.

Ukraine : Let’s help victims of war to restore justice from a_BAHN on Vimeo.

Join the campaign here.

Justice Rapid Response

Andras Vamos-Goldman, Executive Director of Justice Rapid Response (JRR) explains why ensuring credible accountability for mass atrocities depends on quality investigations; investigations that are professional, impartial and prompt.

Read more about their work

International Bar Association (IBA)

In the Dock: Defence Rights at the ICC covers a number of subjects including the presumption of innocence, fair trial guarantees and the right to counsel.

Read more about their work

Support International Justice for Atrocity Victims

The ICC is the only international court that prosecutes mass violations of human rights, such as genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity - the very worst of the worst. Atrocity victims worldwide rely on the work of the ICC to bring them justice and redress, and to hold their oppressors accountable. The AMICC believes that the ICC’s work is fundamentally aligned with the core American values of liberty and justice for all. AMICC functions as the coordinator and cornerstone of the coalition of American NGOs committed to achieving full US support and participation in the ICC.

Read more about their work

Wanted: Highly qualified candidates to become ICC judges

In December 2017, governments will elect six new judges to the bench of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague. In this video interview Coalition Convenor William Pace underlines the need for ICC member states to nominate and elect the most highly qualified candidates to ensure the global Court's long-term fairness, efficiency and independence.

Read more about setting the highest justice standards 

Rules of war (in a nutshell)

International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)

People have always used violence to settle disputes. And all cultures have always had the idea that there have to be limits on that violence, if we are to prevent wars from descending into barbarity. For instance, there are rules protecting non-participants, prisoners and the wounded. These rules are set out in international humanitarian law. Yes, even wars have limits. And attacking civilians constitutes a war crime. Today, as we celebrate the 150th anniversary of the original Geneva Convention, we call on all parties to all conflicts to preserve what it means to be human, by complying with international humanitarian law.

Read more about the work of the ICRC here

Victory by any means

International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)

Visit to find out how we all lose when the rules of war are ignored. The rules of war, or international humanitarian law, set out what can and cannot be done during an armed conflict. The Geneva Conventions are at the core of this law. They help preserve our humanity during times of conflict.

Rights Info

This incredible 2-minute animation by Rights Info will tell you everything you need to know about your human rights and why they matter.

Read more about the work of rights info here

The ICC in 3 minutes

This video provides a basic introduction to the Court.

read more about the icc here

The Most Overlooked Human Rights Crisis of Our Time

Open Society Foundations

The right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty is universal. But at this moment some 3.3 million people are behind bars, waiting for a trial that may be months or even years away. 

read more about this here

500 YEARS Documentary film

BBC Talking Movies takes a look at the 500 YEARS' special event — the Resistance Saga— hosted by the Human Rights Watch Film Festival, which honored the work of 500 YEARS' director Pamela Yates. The trilogy of films, which included "When the Mountains Tremble," "Granito: How to Nail a Dictator," and now 500 YEARS, documents the struggles of the Mayan people of Guatemala over a span of 35 years.

Learn more about Pamela's journey here

20 Years Challenging Impunity - United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda

In the aftermath of the Genocide in Rwanda, the ICTR has been at the forefront of the global fight against impunity, prosecuting those considered most responsible for the gravest crimes committed in 1994. As the Tribunal approaches the end of its mandate, its legacy lays the foundation for a new era in international criminal justice.

read more about the ICTR here

JOIN campaign

The Embassies of the Republic of Cyprus and of Denmark in The Hague launched a social media campaign promoting Universality of the Rome Statute. This campaign called JOIN including a video is being circulated while the ICC turned 15 and ahead of the 20th anniversary of the Rome Statute.

Read more on JOIN campaign

War on Women

This film by IRIN explores sexual violence in DRC, with gripping testimonies from both survivors and perpetrators and insight from analysts and civil society activists.