Genocide. Crimes against humanity. War crimes.
Unimaginable atrocities are threatening the peace, security and well-being of the world.
Mass murder. Indiscriminate bombing. Destruction of livelihoods.
Sanctioned at the highest levels. For too long, committed with impunity.

Join the fight for global justice
For the first time in history, we can bring individuals - presidents, generals and rebel leaders - to justice.
Either before national courts of States Parties to the Rome Statute, or failing that, through the International Criminal Court.
But access to global justice remains uneven, and the ICC faces mounting challenges as it moves to hold the powerful to account.
Call on your government to
1. Make international justice truly global
2. Strengthen the International Criminal Court
3. Improve state support for the Rome Statute
United by Common Bonds: Stay with the ICC
The ICC is one of the greatest advances in history for the protection of global human rights.
Yes, access to justice remains uneven around the world. No, the ICC is not perfect.
But the solution lies in more and better justice, not less.
Global civil society remains committed to ending impunity through the ICC and Rome Statute system.
KEY FACTS: Alliance between global civil society and ‘like-minded’ states, mostly smaller and middle powers; Opposed by some of the world’s major powers; Independent of the UN and its Security Council; Independent prosecutor and independent judges; No immunity for heads of state or high officials; Leaders seeking to avoid accountability are accusing the Court of bias.
Get involved
Join our campaigns as an individual or organization.
Intern with us
Intern in our legal, regional, communications and program sections to get unparalled experience on the ICC, UN, and our civil society campaigns.
Campaign in our Coalition
Membership of our Coalition is free and open to all organizations campaigning for accountability for grave crimes. Find out how to campaign with us.
Get informed
Educating yourself and those around you is vital to achieving justice for all.

Invest in justice, invest in peace
Made up of civil society organizations, small and big, in 150 countries , the Coalition for the International Criminal Court is the largest partnership in the world advancing international justice.