The ICC prosecutes individuals for war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide. But only if governments don't do so first.
As one of the most historic advance in the protection of global human rights, the innovative system established by the Rome Statute is designed to punish perpetrators, bring justice to victims and contribute to stable, peaceful societies.
Set up in 2002, the Court has already made significant progress in holding those most responsible at the highest levels for atrocities to account. Victims are already receiving help to rebuild their lives.
But global access to justice remains uneven. Many governments continue to deny the ICC jurisdiction where it is most needed. Some are even trying to 'kill' the Court as its grows.

International Criminal Court
The ICC is the only permanent international judicial body to try individuals for genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. The Court is completely independent having been established by international treaty, the Rome Statute. And it can only prosecute crimes that occurred after 2002 – the date of its establishment.
ICC situations and cases
At any given time, the ICC prosecutor is exploring the possibility of bringing prosecutions against individuals in situations around the world. ICC cases mostly focus on those most responsible for committing grave crimes such as high government officials, military leaders, or rebel commanders.

Assembly of States Parties
As the Court’s governing body, the Assembly of States Parties provides the ICC with management oversight and strategic direction, elects officials, decides the budget, considers matters of non-cooperation, and can amend the Rome Statute and other rules. Civil society plays a vital role in improving the work of the Assembly.
Trust Fund for Victims
The ICC delivers restorative, as well as retributive, justice. The Trust Fund for Victims is a cornerstone in this promise.

20 ICC benefits
1. It is a global Court for the powerless - Around the globe, victims of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes are demanding justice. If we abandon the ICC, we abandon the most vulnerable in our world and allow self-serving politicians and governing elites seeking immunity to destroy over half a century of human rights advances.