#GlobalJustice Weekly - Burundi on the brink

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ICC investigations
Kenya:  ICC judges postponed hearing dates in the trial of Kenyan Deputy President William Ruto  to January 2016. Read the profiles of suspects wanted by the ICC for alleged witness tampering in the Kenya cases.

Democratic Republic of Congo:  ICC judges have reduced the sentence of Congolese militia leader Germain Katanga. He is now set to be released on 8 January 2016. Civil society in North Kivu called on the ICC to investigate alleged grave crimes.

Uganda: The trial of Dominic Owgen is lacking visibility in Uganda’s media and losing its momentum among civil society.

ICC preliminary examinations
The ICC Office of the Prosecutor issued its annual report on preliminary examinations, which are intended to determine whether a full ICC investigation is warranted.

Georgia: Georgia became the 26th state to ratify the Kampala amendments to the Rome Statute which define the use of certain weapons during non-international armed conflicts as war crimes.

Comoros: The ICC Appeals Chamber has dismissed a prosecution appeal against a decision requesting it to reconsider its decision not to investigate the attack on the 2010 Gaza flotilla by Israeli armed forces.

Venezuela: Opposition figures have requested the ICC to open a preliminary inquiry into alleged crimes against humanity during protests against President Maduro’s government.

Campaign for Global Justice
South Africa: The ICC prosecutor has asked ICC judges to give South African authorities until the end of the year to explain why they did not arrest ICC fugitive Omar al-Bashir when he visited the country last June.

What else is happening?
The ICC formally received its new permanent premises in The Hague before its official move in 2016.

The ICC registrar reflected on his time at the Court as and the challenges he faces.

A new report accuses ISIS of committing genocide against Yazidis in Iraq.

Seven things the ICC could do to improve its communications and standing.

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