
Two Asian candidates in running for ICC bench - video



Jordan and The Philippines put forward candidates 
Following the resignation of Filipino Senator Miriam Defensor Santiago as an ICC judge last year, member states must elect a replacement at a resumed session of the Court’s governing body, the Assembly of States Parties (ASP), on 24/45 June 2015. Due to the current under-representation of Asia-Pacific ICC judges, only candidates from that region could be nominated for this election.

With the nomination deadline now passed, Dr. Ibrahim Aljazy and Dr. Raul Cano Pangalangan—put forward by Jordan and The Philippines respectively—are the two candidates in the running.


In mid-April, the candidate nominated by Bangladesh, Khairul Haque, withdrew his candidacy. Find out more about the candidates in this video of our recent panel discussion.


See photos from the event.

A new phase for the ICC
The ICC has entered a new stage of development and scrutiny as its first trials end and it moves into its second decade. To deal with particularly complex legal proceedings and to ensure efficient judicial processes, it is important that judicial candidates have experience in criminal proceedings.

For the ICC to be recognized as a truly independent and effective international tribunal that ensures fairness in its procedures and trials, the ICC chambers must be composed of judges who are impartial and highly qualified.

Campaign to ensure the election of the highest qualified candidates
To help ensure that the most highly qualified candidates are elected as judges by the ASP, we undertake a comprehensive elections campaign every judicial election. We do not endorse, or take any position on, any ICC judicial candidate. However, we work to ensure that the elections are as fair, transparent and merit-based as possible, and free from vote-trading and based purely on the expertise of the judicial candidates. This includes organizing panel discussions to allow state representatives, civil society and the wider public to learn more about the candidates’ qualifications, experience and expectations for international justice.

This year’s panel discussion was held in The Hague to coincide with a meeting of the ASP’s Advisory Committee on Nominations (ACN). The ACN is an independent body that interviews (behind closed doors) the election candidates and reports to ICC member states prior. Our panel and campaign is wholly separate from the ACN.

Read the report of the ACN on the two candidates for the 2015 ICC judicial election.

We also asked the judicial candidates to fill in comprehensive questionnaires to gain more insights into their experience and expertise, their vision for the ICC, the challenges facing the ICC, gender justice and victims’ rights among other topics.

Find out more about our Campaign on ICC/ASP elections.

Stay up ton date with the campaign by signing up for our email updates.