From 6-11 December 2021, States Parties to the International Criminal Court Rome Statute convened in The Hague for the 20th annual session of the Assembly of States Parties (ASP).
Serving as the governing body of the Court, the ASP meets in full plenary once a year to discuss and decide upon matters key to the future functioning of the ICC. Civil society is there every step of the way, monitoring sessions and interacting with delegates, in order to advocate for a fair, effective and independent ICC.
What happened at ASP20?
Catch up on all the action from the 20th Session of Assembly of States Parties with our summary of main outcomes and key takeaways.

The Coalition for the ICC delivers a closing statement at ASP20
On 10 December 2021, during the final plenary session of the 20th Session of the Assembly of States Parties (ASP) to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC), Ms Melinda Reed, Acting Convenor of the Coalition for the ICC, delivered a statement on behalf of the Coalition.
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#NGOVoices at #ASP20
Civil Society Side Events
Numerous virtual side events have taken place around the 20th ASP session. Civil society plays a crucial role in organizing side events, in cooperation with governments and other organizations and institutions. Side events on the margins of ASP provide a meaningful opportunity for enhanced dialogue around specific topics of mutual concern, including situations under investigation or preliminary examination, ICC and ASP election processes, judicial and political developments, and other issues related to the Court and the Rome Statute system.
Civil society voices at #ASP20
Civil Society addresses ICC States Parties during the ASP20 General Debate
The CICC and its members addressed the ASP in other plenary sessions to highlight key priorities for civil society:
- Coalition for the ICC (CICC) Review Team Statement - Plenary on the Review of the ICC and Rome Statute system.
- Human Rigts Watch (HRW) Statement - Plenary on the Review of the ICC and Rome Statute system
- Amnesty International Statement - Plenary on Cooperation
- Human Rights Watch (HRW) Statement - Plenary on Cooperation
Civil Society Recommendations for #ASP20
- Coalition for the ICC (CICC) Letter to ICC States Parties
- CICC Elections Team Paper on a Permanent Vetting Mechanism
- Amnesty International: ASP 20 Statements
- Human Rights Watch (HRW): Briefing Note for the Twentieth Session of the ICC ASP
- International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH): Recommendations to strengthen the ICC
- Association Française pour la promotion de la compétence universelle: Recommandations
- Ukrainian Civil Society Organizations: Joint Civil Society Statement on the Adoption of the ICC’s 2022 budget and the Situation in Ukraine
- See also: Civil society’s views on the ICC Review
The previous ASP session #ASP19
The nineteenth session of the ASP took place from 14 to 16 December 2020 in The Hague, Netherlands. It resumed for a first time from 17 to 23 December 2020 and for a second time on 12 February 2021 in New York, USA.