ASP19 Resumed session - DAY 3
States elect 3 Judges to the ICC Bench, 1 more judge to be elected
21 DECEMBER 2020
On 21 December 2020, the resumed 19th Session of the Assembly of States Parties to the ICC Rome Statute continued at the United Nations Headquarted (UNHQ) with the elections of judges. Ten candidates were still competing for election, following the withdrawal of several candidates (Burkina Faso, Colombia, Congo, Ecuador, Nigeria, Uruguay)
In the third round of Voting, Miatta Maria Samba of Sierra Leone was elected with 83 votes.
In the fourth round of voting Maria del Socorro Flores Liera of Mexico and Sergio Ugalde Godinez of Costa Rica were both elected with 87 votes.
One seat now remains to be filled. Voting will resume on Tuesday 22 December with seven Candiates.
All results of the 2020 ICC Judicial elections can be found on the ASP website HERE.
The Coalition, including through its elections team, along with many individual member organizations, has consistently called on states to nominate and elect only the most highly qualified individuals as ICC officials through fair, transparent and merit-based processes. While the Coalition does not endorse or oppose any individual candidates, it strongly opposes reciprocal political agreements (“vote-trading”) in all ICC and ASP elections.
In a statement issued on 18 December in advance of the start of the elections, the Coalition’s Elections Team is calling on states parties to consider the severe imbalance in gender representation on the court's bench when casting votes in the judicial elections.
Find out more about our campaign to #ElectTheBest to lead the fight against impunity here and in our ASP19 Backgrounder.
An overview of CICC members’ advocacy documents related to the judicial and electoral processes can be found here.