ICC & ASP Elections 2020 - How did it go?
#ElectTheBest to lead the fight against impunity
At the 19th session of the Assembly of State Parties (ASP) in December 2020, States will elect a number of key positions in the Rome Statute system in an almost complete turnover of leadership, including six Judges and the ICC Prosecutor.
The Coalition has consistently campaigned to ensure states nominate and elect only the most highly qualified individuals as ICC officials through fair, transparent and merit-based processes, an essential step towards strengthening the institution’s credibility, transparency and impartiality.
Governments must nominate and elect the best leaders to the Court to ensure the impartial execution of decisions, and the effective delivery of justice for victims of heinous crimes.
Read on to get the latest updates on nominations, meet the candidates, and learn about all the elections taking place in 2020.
CICC Members' advocacy on ICC Elections
A number of important positions in the Rome Statute system will be filled at ASP 2020, including six judicial vacancies, the next ICC Prosecutor, the ASP president and two ASP vice-presidents, and six members of the Committee on Budget and Finance.
The Campaign on ICC/ASP Elections
Civil society plays an important role in monitoring the election of ICC and ASP officials.
Ahead of the 2020 elections, civil society is urging States Parties to nominate only the most highly-qualified candidates and to ensure a fair, transparent, and merit-based selection process.
As part of the elections campaign, civil society asked judicial and prosecutorial candidates to complete questionnaires regarding their vision, background, qualifications, experience and views on international justice and the ICC. We are proud to have achieved nearly universal participation by ICC elections candidates to our questionnaire since the first elections 2003.
Check out the questionnaires sent to the candidates:
The Coalition does not endorse or oppose any individual candidates, and strongly opposes reciprocal political agreements (“vote-trading”) in all ICC and ASP elections.
Voices from the Coalition
Civil society members of the Coalition play a key role in monitoring and advocating for the integrity of nomination and election processes.
For more information
Check out the Coalition Campaign on ICC 2017 Elections and visit our old website to learn more about past elections campaigns. Information includes related papers, civil society advocacy, former candidate questionnaires, previous elections' results and more. Please find additional information on the ASP website.
Or drop us a line at Tonella@coalitionfortheicc.org