How to file a communication to the ICC-Prosecutor
Pursuant to Article 15 of the Rome Statute, any individual, group, or organization can send information on alleged or potential ICC crimes to the Office of the Prosecutor (OTP) of the ICC. Before an OTP investigation can open, the ICC prosecutor is responsible for determining whether a situation meets the legal criteria laid out by the Rome Statute. The OTP analyses all situations brought to its attention based on statutory criteria and the information available.
What should be included in a Communication to the OTP?
The Statute does not specify the contents of the communication. The Office analyzes all communications received – the extent of the analysis depends on the detail and substantive nature of the information provided. If the available information does not offer sufficient guidance on whether there is a reasonable basis to proceed, the analysis is concluded and the sender informed of the decision. This decision may be revised, however, in the event that new information becomes available
Does the Communication have to be in a certain language?
Senders are advised to submit information in one of the working languages of the ICC – English or French – or, alternatively, in one of the other official languages of the Court: Arabic; Chinese; Russian; and Spanish. The Office may attempt to obtain informal translations of information submitted in any other language.
How does one submit a Communication?
There are three ways to submit information about alleged crimes to the OTP:
1) By post to:
International Criminal Court
Office of the Prosecutor
Post Office Box 19519
2500 CM The Hague
The Netherlands
2) By email to:
3) By fax to: +31 70 515 8555