
Benin: Adopt ICC law to prosecute grave crimes at home



Call on President Boni can build on fight against impunity in West Africa now!

Benin is the July 2015 focus our Campaign for Global Justice.

Clément Capo-Chichi, regional coordinator for Africa with the Coalition for the ICC: 

“President Yayi Boni has an opportunity to play a crucial role in improving the efficiency of the Rome Statute by submitting the ICC bill to parliament and encouraging parliamentarians to finally adopt a law that will allow Benin to prosecute crimes under International Criminal Court jurisdiction. Benin could thus serve once more as an example in the fight against impunity, protecting its citizens from mass atrocities and giving hope for justice to victims."

Benin has demonstrated its support for the ICC since its creation. It was the 49th state to ratify the Rome Statute on 22 January 2002, and the Code of Criminal Procedure was amended in 2013 to allow for cooperation with the Court. However, the adoption of a bill fully implementing ICC crimes into national legislation has been pending in the president’s office since 11 September 2006.

In a letter this week to President Yayi Boni, the Coalition urged Benin to take the necessary steps to adopt national legislation on ICC crimes and help end impunity.

During a visit to The Hague in February 2014, H. E. Prof. Nassirou Bako-Arifari, then minister of foreign Affairs stated that “[B]enin has supported the ICC since its creation and is committed to maintain its support. We will continue to stress the importance of justice and the fight against impunity throughout the world.”


“We hope and keep the strong belief to see the Republic of Benin accelerate and finalize the legislative process in order to make complementarity and cooperation effective in the near future.”

Sign our petition calling on Benin to pass a law on domestic prosecutions of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide.