#GlobalJustice Weekly - ICC independence under threat at annual assembly

ICC independence under threat at annual assembly
Civil society warned against political interference with the Court’s independence during the 14th session of the Assembly of States Parties (ASP) that closed last week.
Kenya called on the Assembly to affirm that Rule 68 of the Court on recanted witness testimonies cannot be applied retroactively. This matter is pending before the ICC Appeals Chamber in the case against Kenyan Deputy President William Ruto for alleged crimes against humanity committed during the 2011 post electoral violence in Kenya.
“The political campaign that we have witnessed to influence the ongoing trial of Kenya’s deputy president is deeply worrying for the ICC’s ability to deliver fair and independent justice, and sets a dangerous precedent” said William R. Pace, convenor of the Coalition for the ICC.
More on #ASP14:
Civil society statements
Adopted resolutions
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ICC investigations
Kenya: Civil society insists ASP developments on the non-retroactivity of Rule 68 do not have an impact on the decision ICC judges will take on that matter in the case against Kenyan Deputy President William Ruto.
Libya: New reports warn against arbitrary detentions that may constitute a crime against humanity as well as the unfair trial in Libya of ICC suspect Saif Qaddafi along with 37 other persons.
Mali: The UN Security Council said the killing of two peacekeepers in northeast Mali could amount to a war crime.
Côte d’Ivoire: Four years after the ICC intervened in Côte d’Ivoire, what has been the impact of the Court in the country?
ICC preliminary investigations
Palestine: Four Palestinian NGOs delivered a submission to the ICC on alleged Israeli war crimes and crimes against humanity during the 2014 conflict in Gaza.
Campaign for Global Justice
El Salvador is set to become ICC’s 124th member state after the Legislative Assembly adopted the ratification of the Rome Statute - the Court’s founding treaty.
Namibia’s Cabinet is considering ICC withdrawal.
What else?
The Saudi-led coalition carrying out attacks against Houthis in Yemen failed to investigate allegedly unlawful airstrikes in Yemen, says rights group.
On the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, ICC Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda pledged to bring perpetrators of sexual and gender base crimes before the ICC. Want to know more about the fight against sexual violence? See our 12 resources on sexual and gender based crimes.
The Sri Lankan government committed to launching a special court for civil war crimes in early 2016.
On the margins of the 14th ASP, the ICC inaugurated the new Africa Group on Justice and Accountability, consisting of senior African experts on international criminal law and human rights.
ICC Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda reflected on critical issues, including sexual and gender based crimes, in a new interview.
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