#GlobalJustice Weekly - Civil Society calls on UN General Assembly to end civilian attacks in Syria
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223 nongovernmental organizations call upon UN General Assembly to demand an end to unlawful civilian attacks in Syria as UN releases joint-statement on dire situation of civilians in Aleppo
[Uniting for Peace] UN member states must take urgent action to stop atrocities in #Syria and protect civilians https://t.co/GH7dNZCiRX pic.twitter.com/EPJuPH279J
— FIDH (@fidh_en) December 2, 2016
New HRW report: Russia/Syria committed war crimes in Sept/Oct bombing of #Aleppo. UN General Assembly should act. https://t.co/0uTHqZj4rm pic.twitter.com/ey5xJUrWtY
— Ole Solvang (@OleSolvang) December 1, 2016
As more Syrian #refugees make long-term homes in #Turkey, @CrisisGroup calls for new labor & integration policies. https://t.co/xQSjIYTqbP pic.twitter.com/JxWMstQJNA
— Diego Cupolo (@DiegoCupolo) November 30, 2016
ICC Investigations
Q&A: Who is Mr #Ongwen and why is he on trial before the #ICC? https://t.co/FFseJeEksp pic.twitter.com/U0IDnZDXek
— Int'l Criminal Court (@IntlCrimCourt) December 5, 2016
Defence: every accused is afforded the opportunity to defend himself in a fair trial https://t.co/V9lnvmTBLM #Ongwen #ICC
— Int'l Criminal Court (@IntlCrimCourt) December 4, 2016
#Uganda - Former #LRA Commander #Ongwen to Be Tried: First #ICC Trial for Wide Range of Crimes of #SGBV: https://t.co/ePvJYh05pt pic.twitter.com/fkCK5MYdjt
— Delphine Carlens (@D_Carlens) December 5, 2016
Executive 'disregarded' people of SA in #ICC withdrawal https://t.co/2p8TOVKwAb
— JFJustice (@JFJustice) December 5, 2016
ICC Preliminary Examinations
Colombia: Peace agreement must open the door to justice https://t.co/2daGF4q4Zj pic.twitter.com/NAqKVCwFsA
— AmnestyInternational (@AmnestyOnline) December 1, 2016
Assembly of States Parties 2016
Campaign for Global Justice
In a move expected to inform local populations and contribute to handover of international justice expertise, International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and city of Sarajevo set to open first ICTY Information Centre