
#GlobalJustice Weekly - Can UN action prevent another Srebrenica in Aleppo?

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The UN Security Council today unaminously passed a resolution to deploy UN observers to monitor evacuations and report on the fate of civilians in the war-torn city of Aleppo. France’s UN ambassador described the agreement, backed by veto-wielding power Russia, as a tool to avoid another civilian massacre such as experienced in the town of Srebrenica in the former Yugoslavia in 1995. Implementation is now crucial say observers. 

While a ceasefire negotiated by Russia and Turkey last week promised an end to what the UN called a "complete meltdown of humanity" as pro-Syrian regime forces conducted an all-out assault on dwindling rebel strongholds in eastern Aleppo, civilians in desperate need of humanitarian corridors to safely escape the besieged city have reportedly found evacuation routes blocked.

The French-backed UN compomise resolution was arrived at following threats by permanent Council member Russia to reject an earlier draft. Russia has previously vetoed six resolutions on justice and peace for Syria – including one in early December demanding an immediate ceasefire in Aleppo. In 2014, Russia vetoed a referral of the situation in Syria, a non-ICC member state, to the International Criminal Court. 

Read more on opinions for accountability for Syria: Syria war crimes: a guide for navigating the legal minefield, IRIN News


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