25 Years Fighting for Global Justice

In 1995, a group of 25 human rights organizations began campaigning for a permanent international criminal court to hold individuals accountable for war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide. And it worked. The Coalition for the ICC led the civil society effort for the adoption of the Rome Statute in 1998, which resulted in the establishment of the ICC, four years later.
The CICC and its member civil society organizations have been working together for 25 years to achieve a common goal: having an effective and independent international court that is able to address the impunity surrounding the most serious crimes of international concern.
Through its core commitment to the values of human rights, the rule of law, and justice, the CICC continues to stay focused on results and long-term systemic change in the fight for global justice.
To commemorate the 25th anniversary of the CICC, civil society members shared their messages on Coalition’s achievement, importance, and efforts, as well as challenges to the Rome Statute system, to ensure delivery of justice and redress for victims of the gravest crimes.
Coalition for the ICC
On this 25th anniversary, the CICC continues to support the centrality of victims, including their meaningful participation in the Rome Statute system and the right to reparations. Read our full statement here.
Ms. Anjali Manivannan, Director of Programs, World Federalist Movement/Institute for Global Policy
Mr. William Pace, Convenor of the CICC from 1995–2019
Ms. Jutta F. Bertram-Nothnagel, Representative to the United Nations and the ICC-ASP, International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms
The 25th anniversary of the CICC is a cause not only to celebrate a successful partnership or to reflect upon and reaffirm the mission of the CICC but also to emphasize confidence in the perseverance and evolution of this unique alliance against atrocity crimes.
Mr. Kofi Annan, Former UN Secretary-General (Rome, 18 July 1998 from CICC Rome Report)
Ms. Niemat Ahmadi, Founding President, Darfur Women Action Group
The broad base and diversity of its members make the work of the CICC particularly unique in its scope and context. Each organization, small or large, has an equal seat and voice at the table in their endeavors to advance the overall goal of the coalition. It is worth noting that the CICC has set a great example that if we can all come together and unite behind one purpose, we will certainly accomplish our goals.
Ms. Enid H. Adler, Counselor and Attorney at Law, Philadelphia, and Founding member of the International Criminal Bar
The information and updates from the Coalition assisted me in this situation and over the years in publicizing the Court, providing seminars in my geographic area on the ICC with Court and ASP leaders, writing articles, work as a member of the Washington Working Group for the ICC (WICC) and Americans for the ICC (AMICC) and taking other actions as issues arise.
Professor Jennifer Trahan, NYU Center for Global Affairs; Chair, American Branch of the International Law Association, ICC Committee
Although I did not have the privilege of being at Rome, I have had the privilege of being involved with the CICC for the last twenty years, starting with Prep Com meetings, through the Review Conference, crime of aggression negotiations, and many ASP Session. Throughout, the CICC has provided leadership and constant constructive (but, appropriately, not always uncritical) engagement with the ICC, the ASP, and individual states.
Ms. Usha Kula, Chairperson of Malaysia National CICC and member of the Human Rights Committee Bar Council
We are extremely appreciative of all the good and efficient work of the ClCC, and grateful for all the continuous information and updates that have helped shape and impact our important Work at the Malaysian Chapter.
Union for Civil Liberty, Thailand
Mr. Nasser Amin Coordinator of the Arab CICC, The Arab Center for Independence of the Judiciary and the Legal Profession
Thanks to the coalition and the efforts of its coordinator at the time William Pace and team members, we were able at the Arab Centre for the Independence of the Judiciary and the Legal Profession to establish a coalition of Arab organizations that support the foundation of a permanent international criminal court in 1999. The coalition comprises more than 60 Arab non-governmental organizations to be part of the international coalition for a permanent international criminal court.
Mr. Abdulnabi Alekry, Bahrain Transparency Society
Ms. Silvia A. Fernandez de Gurmendi, Current Judge and Former President of the ICC (November 1999 from CICC Rome Report)
Ms. Vivian Amponsah-Fordjour, General Secretary, World Renewers Organization
In celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Coalition's existence in ensuring and strengthening international cooperation with the ICC that the court is fair, effective and independent, making justice both visible and universal, improving on national laws that deliver global justice to victims of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide, we would like to remind our fellow colleagues to adopt swift and great initiatives to support the ICC and the coalition.
Ms. Habiba Nakanwagi, President, Students for Global Democracy Uganda
Mr. Jens Petersson, Senior Advisor on Peace and Security, United Nations Association of Sweden
Mr. Philippe Kirsch, First Judge and First President of the ICC (November 1999 from CICC Rome Report)
Ms. Ellen J. Kennedy, Ph.D, Executive Director, World Without Genocide at Mitchell Hamline School of Law
For several years, our small US organization, World Without Genocide, has sent a delegation to the annual Assembly of States Parties through AMICC, the American NGO Coalition for the ICC, and the Coalition for the International Criminal Court.
Mr. Roy S. Lee, Former Executive Secretary of the Rome Conference (CICC Rome Report)
Read more on #CICC25 and International Justice Day 2020
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