The Assembly of States Parties elect six new ICC judges - General Debate kicks off with high-level statements in support of the Court’s mandate and of civil society in the Rome Statute system

22nd session of the Assembly of States Parties 2023, United Nations Headquarters, New York, U.S.

6 December 2023 

The third day of the 22nd session of the ICC Assembly of States Parties saw the conclusion of the judicial elections, and the opening of the General Debate. 

ICC Judicial elections  

Ninth Round Having received the lowest number of votes, Andriamanankadrianana Rajaona (Madagascar) was removed from the ballot for the eleventh round.  

During the ninth round of voting, no candidate was elected, as no candidate received the required 2/3rd majority votes of ICC states parties present and voting (119) to be elected. 

Tenth Round 

During the tenth round of voting, Haykel Ben Mahfoudh (Tunisia) was elected, as he received the required 2/3rd majority votes of ICC states parties present and voting (122) to be elected. 

Eleventh Round 

Ahead of the eleventh round of voting, Samoa announced the withdrawal of their candidate, Clarence Nelson

During the eleventh round of voting, Keebong Paek (Republic of Korea) was elected, as he received the required 2/3rd majority votes of ICC states parties present and voting (122) to be elected. 

Find here the list of the 6 new elected ICC judges (in alphabetical order): 

  1. Haykel Ben Mahfoudh (Tunisia)  
  2. Erdenebalsuren Damdin (Mongolia) 
  3. Nicolas Guillou (France)  
  4. Beti Hohler (Slovenia)  
  5. Iulia Antoanella Motoc (Romania)  
  6. Keebong Paek (Republic of Korea) 


Start of the ASP22 General Debate 

Representatives of States Parties, Observer States, Invited States, international organizations and representatives of non-governmental organizations can participate in the Assembly’s general debate. 

Several high-level government representatives took the floor to present their states' positions on various issues related to the Rome Statute system and on the agenda of this ASP session during the General Debate, including 11 ministers. Twenty four States Parties took the floor: South Africa, Botswana, Democratic Republic of Congo, Nigeria, State of Palestine, Central African Republic, Guinea, Estonia, Lithuania, Slovenia, Venezuela, Spain (on behalf of the European Union), Norway, Switzerland, Australia, Luxembourg, New Zealand, France, Finland, Ghana, Portugal, Ecuador, Liechtenstein, Poland.   

Statements delivered at the Assembly session are accessible here.


For everything you need to know about ASP22:   

  • Our webpage on the Assembly of States Parties 2023 with all #ASP22 daily summaries, recommendations from civil society and other ASP22 resources.     

  • Calendar with all the side events taking place in the margins of ASP22.  

  • Follow all the action on our Twitter account: @ngos4justice